God has been opening so many doors in Honduras. However, there is still so much of His work to be done. We would like your help in fulfilling Gods plan for the children and people of Honduras.


We have a life change center in Honduras. At the center we have a schedule and a curriculum that students may go by for life changing. We pray and fast with the students, we do Bible study’s twice a day. And we teach the students to work and to rely on God to get them out of their situation that they are in. God has been doing work in that center. There has been some students that have been encountered by the Lord and they don’t turn back to their old ways. We’ve had many people, young and old, give their lives to Christ through the impact of this life change center.


From January to March of this year our children attended a missionary school led by a local pastor in a near by church. Every Wednesday and Saturday we gathered and learned what it means to fulfill the Great Commission, becoming missionaries in our own homes and cities. For three months the Lord taught, molded and prepared these children and at the end when the classes were finished, it was time to put what they learned to the test. Going out into the jungles of Honduras, in a place called Mosquitia, the children were able to be apart of the work of God. Laying our hands on the sick and broken hearted, we watched as God healed and restored as He promised He would in His word. The Lord did magnificent things, first in our children and then through our children. And the cycle continues as our children continue seeking the Lord and shining His light into this dark world.


Homeless ministry here is a huge blessing, both to us and to the homeless locals. Once a week missionaries and leaders head over to the homeless of the town and fellowship with them. We come over to where they are and bring the Gospel with us, sharing a word with them or testifying to them. We teach them about Jesus, who He is, how He loves them, and teach them how to live their lives for Him. We are constantly trying to plant seeds and water the ones that are already growing in their hearts. After the service we have food and drink that we bring with us as a gift to them, and it never goes unappreciated by those that are there. Bringing food for them gives us a chance to connect with them on a human level and show them that we do care about them.

One of the biggest blessings with homeless ministry is that we have an opportunity to spread the word about the rehab center as well. Many of the homeless are addicted to either alcohol or drugs or both, and for those that desire a change in their lives we let them know that we have a rehabilitation center where we are ready and willing to help them and to guide them to Christ. We have had rehab center members that came after our visits and joined the program and started a new life with Jesus.

It’s amazing to see the work that God has done and is doing through our homeless ministry and the rehab. God is using us to reach the locals in the area through both of these ministries and it’s all for His glory!